Are you going to Greece? Don’t forget to try Halva there!
Halva is a delicacy prepared for big occasions such as birthdays. People believe that Halva’s food makes not only the person who eats it, but especially the person who prepared it happy.
In addition to the sweet taste and providing joy, halva has a full range of vitamins that positively affect our body, among other things, help take care of the good condition of our skin, support the work of the immune system.

Halva can come in many flavors and have many aromas. They all depend on the products used. Below are a few of the most popular flavors:

Poppy seek halva

Pistachio halva

Sunflower halva
Interesting things about Halva
Halva’s basic ingredient largely depends on the country where it is made. In Greece, Turkey and Iran, for example, the dessert is made from sesame seeds. The Russian and Ukrainian varieties are made from sunflower or poppy seeds. In India, surprisingly, it is made from carrots, but you can find those made from lentils and beans.
In Greek and Arabic, the word Halva means candy.
The biggest saleability of challah is in the Balkan countries. In these regions we can purchase a delicious sweet snack that will be a great gift idea for loved ones.
The best decision would be to buy challah at city markets, as it is fresh and cheaper because we buy it from private individuals.