Product portfolio
About the project
This page is created as a result of the implementation of the project 2021-1-PL01-KA122-SCH-000015967 entitled „Educational mobility of students and staff at ZSO in Mogielnica”. The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Part of the project is the implementation of a 12-day foreign mobility to a partner school in Greece – Platon School. During the educational trip, 26 students from Poland and 10 students from Greece implement a program devoted to entrepreneurship and modern communication with the use of new media. Based on the analysis of selected products and services, students create websites, professional profiles in social media and marketing campaign plans. Practical skills acquired during mobility include designing and creating websites, CMS support, using Internet trend research tools, creating communication in social media, using tools and graphic applications.
The main goals of the project:
1. Raising the level of knowledge, competences and skills of 26 students, including in particular the core curriculum within subjects such as English, the basics of entrepreneurship, IT.
2. Equalizing educational opportunities for at least 10 students with fewer opportunities and at risk of social exclusion.
3. Raising the level of knowledge, competences and skills of four members of the teaching and management staff through participation in foreign mobility.
4. Strengthening cooperation with the host school and building the European dimension of teaching through the exchange of good practices and international cooperation.
5. Development of high-quality project results and their effective dissemination in the form of open resources, ensuring reaching new groups of recipients.
Further information (pl):
Project poster (pl):×1536.jpg
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Project participants

The project was attended by 26 students from ZSO in Mogielnica from grades II-IV and 10 students from Platon School. Youth participating in the mobility was selected on the basis of the recruitment conducted at the school.
For many of us, it was not the first adventure with European educational projects, but the implementation of activities during mobility and the opportunity to cooperate with colleagues from the partner country in the European Union was a very positive experience for us.
As part of the activities, we have the opportunity to learn more about the culture of Greece and Poland and get to know the realities of life in these countries from this less official website. As the project uses social media and websites, we can acquire important competences and practical skills – while improving our English language skills!